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Friday 26 June 2015

Model Teladan

       Semuanya kerana sekeping gambar.Sebuah perbualan bermula. Gambar seorang kawan ku, (junior to be exact) yang memakai baju uniform pengangkap. Satu sekolah panggil dia Baim. Gambar ni dah lama dah aku upoad ke galeri insta ku. Actually ni gambar candid. Well,bila kau tangkap gambar candid ni,sebenarnya kau expect orang tu korek hidung ke,korek telinga,korek mata,(eh,garu mata lah.) and etc. But,then kawan kau tu fotogenik sangat. Maka sesuailah untuk diupload ke Instagram, di-edit dijadikan gambar quotes of the day. QOTD bak kata 'igers' sekalian. Hahaha. Kontemporari sungguh.

Perbualan di ruangan komen gambar Instagram itu berbunyi begini(dengan turutan):

Brad: Hey man

Me: Hi!

Brad: I appreciate your leadership! Where are you from?

Me: I'm a Malay and live in Malaysia.

Brad: Oh cool! I'm in the USA. Do you wish to go to the military after school or is it mandatory?

Me: Thanks,bro! Actually, that's a uniform for boy scout. It's not mandatory for us to go to military. But,we do have national service here. USA? I always have the American Dream. Wishing to go to NYC one day! Well,the media influence from the US is quite strong here.

Brad: Ahh. Okay. Cool! It's good to work with a team. Anything is possible with one and a mutual focus. What do you wish to do after school? I am in NYC actually. A couple hours east from the city for the weekend, but still in NYC.

Me: Well, I'm in college. Taking English-Communication. Hoping one day that I could be like Nicholas Sparks or John Green. Funny thing about New York is that, when I was 14, I wished that I could go to The Juilliard School. I'm into drama. I used to write a script and stories back in school.

Brad: Yes. I love people. Aspiring to inspire every day. People need help ya know? What is your dream after school?

Me: Write some books for sure and probably become an English lecturer or interpreter. 


Baim: Wow! I'm a model now!

Lol, Baim! Lol!  -,-

Hahaha. So,the conversation macam tu lah bunyinya. Then,aku pun pi lah visit akaun Instagram mat salleh tu. I was wondering kenapa tetiba dia  menapak kat ruangan komen gambar aku. Check punya check,rupa-rupanya dia tu seorang model di New York! Terus terlintas kat fikiran aku yang maybe dia ingatkan yang dalam gambar tu aku,and nampak yang aku ada bakat modelling kot?? But,kalau yer pun,tu bukan aku.I need to lose some weight dulu. Hahaha!  :p

Anyway,aku tulis ni bukan nak cakap pasal kerjaya sebagai model or whatsoever. But,what I'm trying to say is kita semua ni model! Yup.Be proud everybody!! Wut! Wut! XD

Model Teladan. Tanpa kita sedar,orang perhatikan kita. Bukan stalker eh. I mean,some people look up to us. Especially kalau orang tu ada big influence like the celebs,so called 'insta femes' or blogger like me! Hahaha. Famous ke aku? Kidding! We have to realize yang,without millions of followers or friends,there must be somebody yang contohi kita. For example,parents kepada anak-anak,anak sulung kepada adik-beradik,cikgu kepada pelajar-pelajar and so on so forth. So,jangan terkejut bila somebody yang kau kenal dulu berubah jadi jahat or senang kata tak sebaik dahulu kala.(jahat tu kejam sangat). Sebab apa jangan terkejut? Sebab people change not 100% on them. Kawan kau tak jadi kaki ponteng sebab dia yang nak. Yes. Memang kemahuan diri. But,ada some little percentages yang mendorong dia jadi begitu probably because of you(kalau kau kaki ponteng juga lah). And other examples as well yang boleh korang apply sama.

In conclusion,spread goodness. Write good stuff. Your good actions maybe will lead someone else to do good. Mana tahu kan? Jangan tahu nak upload video Dubsmash je kerja kau. -,-

Salam Ramadhan!


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