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Saturday 7 February 2015

Aku Budak Bahasa

              My first day of class for Intro to Linguistics was scary at first.And not to forget exciting.I was trying to guess who would be our lecturer for this course and what would she look like.The '5W 1H' questions hit me so hard.Okay.I just used hyperbolic there. Hehehe. Anyway,''To the class I go!''. Coming to class at 8.30 something.My day was kinda bad at first,starting with the shuttle bus that came late to pick us up.Errgh.Then,the morning just got worse when I could not find my class! Like seriously? ''This cannot be happening right now!'' I murmured.Thanks to technology, Samsung Mobile to be precised, I called one of my classmates,Lisa.Thank goodness,she picked up the phone!

              Alhamdulillah, the lecturer was not there yet.Well,like they said, ''First impression is everything!'' So, I managed to come to the class before her.Sitting at the staircase and chatting with my other classmates, Kirin and Aini. We were talking about SLEU. The tuition program in UIA. Kirin told me that she would be taking Korean for this semester under SLEU! I was so jealous that she already signed up for that. Anyway, I could not sign up yet since I did not know which one to pick and just in time we were going to change the topic of our conversation, a lady came.Well, all of us could guess that it was our lecturer since she came and stood in front of door while trying to open the door with the keys in her hand.So,here's what happened in class.

               She introduced herself first and then she started to ask something about us.We called her Madam Lili Suriani. After that,she began to explain about the course before she began ask us these questions. ''Why English?'' ''Why International?'' ''Why Communication?'' If this was a movie,there should be a cricket sound to break the silence by then since all of us found it hard to give her answers.Later on,she began to give some advice and tell us things that we need to do.So,this were the words that came out from her mouth that I managed to jot down. We need to read a lot since we would be doing a simple research for this semester.We were prohibited to come late to the class and there should be no phone on the desk while she was teaching.She preferred us to give 'Salam' and loved her students to ask questions in class.She also did mentioned that her class would not be a one way learning process.It would be two way learning process.The students were encouraged to express their thoughts in class because actually linguistics could be scary or fun based on how we think of it.

               The moment she said, ''Why are you learning this subject?I don't want you to learn the subject because it's a subject.'' I was startled.She let us asked ourselves this, ''Why do I need to learn the subject?'' It was a rhetorical question since we could not answer her question at that moment because we were astonished by her words.''Let's spend the morning by sharing knowledge.'' ''Today,what kind of knowledge that I would gain?'' She said that we have to look at things at all views. ''When you do a certain program/course, you have to know your destination. She gave an analogy about cars in highway. After that, she taught us about language skills.The four main component; writing,reading,speaking and listening.The conclusion on the 'Nasi Lemak' analogy, ''You have to think while communicating.The communication has to be thoughtful. We have to practice.Language is a tool to communicate.''

               Before she gave the definition of the word Linguistics,I was thinking that my course was not as famous as those science courses like Medic and Engineering.''Linguistics is a scientifically study of a language.Language is a social science.Look at yourselves as a scientist in class! Don't underestimate yourselves!'' Upon hearing that,I knew that I had chosen the right course for myself.Linguistics is very complex.To find knowledge,she told us not to be secular. ''Don't say that I did this...I did that..Say,Alhamdulillah.Allah has granted me knowledge to do this.'' Because,language is Allah's secret after all. If you have language skills,you are blessed.Say Alhamdulilah. Languages help people to survive.Languages are formed by words,sentences,sound and symbols.It involves people,the way of thinking,society and environment.

               I think, I mumbled to much. Hehehe. My bad.Well,usually when I have to present in front of the class,most of my classmates would warn me if I have exceeded the time given.Alright then.That's all from me.May the odds be ever in our favour..


  1. Awesome story to share.You manage to do well on understanding the value of the language.
