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Tuesday 24 March 2015

UIA, Aku Jatuh Cinta!

''De...sir pasir di padang tandus. Segersang pemikiran hati. Terpisahku di antara cinta yang suci..''

LoL! Mode 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta' pula!  :p No lah. Don't worry! Aku bukan nak cakap pasal hal jiwang-jiwang. Hari tu ada junior tanya, why UIA? So,sementara aku tengah cuti midsem ni, bolehlah aku kongsi sikit pendapat aku kenapa aku belajar kat sini and apa yang lain pasal tempat aku belajar ni.

First and foremost, macam dalam karangan SPM Bahasa Melayu aku dulu, aku akan start dengan definisi. What is UIA? It stands for Universiti Islam Antarabangsa. Tak pun UIAM. Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia. Tak pun IIUM. International Islamic University Malaysia. UIA / UIAM / IIUM, merujuk pada benda yang sama.Ok?  :D

Triple I C E

Integration, Islamisation, Internationalization & Comprehensive Excellence.

1) Integration

Haaa. Ada sesape ingat topik Integration dalam Add Math? Hehehe. Well,menurut kamus yang aku refer,it means to make (a person or a group) part of a larger group or organization. Well, once belajar kat sini,kau dah jadi family member UIA. Kat sini panggil IIUM Community. UIA ni ada banyak cawangan. Ni based yang aku tahu, untuk tempat asasi ada 3, main campus pun ada 2.


Centre for Foundation Studies.(CFS) a.k.a Pusat Asasi bahasa Melayunya. Kalau macam pusat asasi UM panggil PASUM,UIA ada CFS. Kitaorang ada 2 cawangan. CFS Petaling Jaya,CFS Gombak & CFS Gambang. Well, CFS Gambang tu baru lagi. Buat masa sekarang, certain courses je yang ditempatkan di CFS Gambang. The rest,kat CFS Petaling Jaya.Kat CFS Gambang sekarang,ada budak-budak kos sains. Like Medic,Allied Health Science,etc. Baru certain kos lah. Tak sume kos sains. Kos Engineering & ICT still kat CFS Petaling Jaya. CFS Gombak pula pada asalnya menempatkan pelajar kos ECONS. Katanya pelajar kos Human Science akan dipindahkan ke sana.

Main Campus

Ada 2. UIA Gombak & UIA Kuantan. Well,basically, UIA Kuantan untuk sume kos sains except for Engineering & kos ICT.Engineering & ICT kat UIA Gombak. Kos selain tu,which are non-science macam kos bahasa,law,kos agama,sains kemanusiaan,etc. In simple word kos sains sosial ada kat UIA Gombak. For your information,akan ada kampus baru bagi UIA. UIA Pagoh di Johor.

Well,that's it. Our family. Tak kira students,staff. Kitaorang semua satu keluarga yang besar.
IIUM Community.

2) Islamisation

''Kamu percaya jodoh,Fahri?''

''Ya. Setiap orang memilikinya.''

''..jodohnya masing-masing.Itu yang sering kamu bilang. Aku rasa Sungai Nil & Mesir itu jodoh. Senang ya kalau kita bisa bertemu dengan jodoh yang diberikan Tuhan dari langit.''

''Bukan dari langit,Maria. Tapi dari hati. Dekat sekali..''

Wuish. Bak kata Eqhwan, aktifkan mode Anti Tulang Rusuk Bergetar. Hahaha!  :p

Haaa. Bukan Islamisation yang ni yang aku maksudkan eh. Hihihi. Well,UIA ada usaha untuk islamize kan all aspects. Mainly dalam aspek ilmu. Tak kira ilmu bidang sains or bukan sains. UIA terapkan nilai-nilai Islam dalamnya. Justeru, pensyarah-pensyarah beragama Islam di sini digalakkan untuk terapkan nilai Islam dalam pembelajaran dalam kelas. Teringat lagi waktu aku kat CFS Petaling Jaya. Waktu kelas subjek Critical Thinking, aku punya lecturer,Sir Shahrizal Wahab,ada masanya dia akan kaitkan tentang Islam and he would say,

''Okay.Sekian sahaja tazkirah untuk hari ini..''

LoL! ;D
Those days. Sangat dirindui.

Just because someone tu bukan pelajar kos agama,doesn't mean dia tak perlu mendalami agama. UIA provides subjek-subjek dan kelas university requirement. Antaranya adalah,Understanding Islam, Religions in Islam,Basic Themed Al-Quran,Study Cirlce,Fardhu Ain,Tilawah & Halaqah @ Study Circle. Selain daripada subjek yang related to course yang pelajar tu amik,pelajar juga berpeluang untuk amik kelas-kelas yang disediakan UIA ni.

3) Internationalization 

UIA bukan sahaja untuk local students. Tapi untuk international students juga. Alhamdulillah.
Sejak masuk kampus Gombak ni,aku dapat ramai kawan baru dari serata dunia.

Ada yang dari India,Bangladesh,China,Singapore,Indonesia,Algeria,Nigeria,etc. Dapat belajar pasal budaya and bahasa diaorang. Even sekarang, aku dalam proses nak belajar Bahasa Perancis daripada kawanku yang dari Algeria! Oh La La. Bonjour! Hahaha. Best! Tak perlu merantau. Yup. Betul kata ayah aku. Tak payah susah-susah pergi luar negara. Orang dari luar yang datang sini. Haaa. Ikuti kisah aku sewaktu aku nak Terbang Jauh!  :D

Plus,UIA offer kelas Bahasa Inggeris & Bahasa Arab. Also know as English Placement Test(EPT) & Arabic Placement Test(APT).UIA is an English speaking campus. Pensyarah kitaorang most of the time speaking je memanjang dalam kelas. Well,for me,it is one way untuk aku improve Bahasa Inggeris aku. Bila lecturer dah speaking,students pun communicate dengan lecturer dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

4) Comprehensive Excellence

It means,kecemerlangan menyeluruh. Holistik. Bukan akademik je. Kitaorang pun ada macam universiti lain ada. Pasukan sukan,pasukan badan beruniform macam PALAPES & pasukan kelab-kelab macam debat,pantun,etc. Btw,try Google pasal pasukan debat Bahasa Inggeris IIUM. Other than that, UIA antara universiti yang offer subjek-subjek agama as university requirement subject.

I think,that's all from me. Aku tak kata sume yang masuk sini baik-baik belaka. Manusia. Rambut sama hitam. Hati lain-lain.UIA bukan khas untuk budak SMKA/SMA/IMTIAZ/DQ/Pusat Tahfiz etc. Budak sekolah harian biasa pun boleh masuk sini. Yang penting apply. Yang takde asas Bahasa Arab pun boleh masuk.

Kat mana-mana pun ada orang baik and orang jahat. Persoalannya,kita nak jadi yang mana satu?Pandai-pandai lah pilih geng kan. By the way,student perempuan kat sini diWAJIBkan bertudung & menutup aurat. So,rasa lah sikit suasana yang terjaga tu. Kat UIA ni,femes dengan lambakkan usroh. Banyak sangat usroh. Terpulang pada kau sendiri je nak join yang mana satu. All I can say is,UIA provide a platform. A unique one. Lain daripada lain.

By the way,nak promot sikit for those yang nak belajar di UIA: UIA/UIAM/IIUM

*maaf kalau ada salah silap*


  1. Assalamualaikum , nak taNya abang dapat course apa dan asasi dekat mana?

    1. Waalaikumussalam.Saya kos English for International Communication.Asasi UIA Petaling Jaya.Sekarang dh masuk kampus degree kat UIA Gombak.

  2. Salam . Sy pun dapat kos mcm abg . Sy tgk kt surat tulis kampus kt gombak . tapi pegi pj dulu . Nak tanya lepas taaruf kat pj mmg sy akan pi gombak ka ? Abg dulu asasi ENCOM kt gombak or pj ? ENCOM actually mcm mana ? Jarang dengar . Hehe tq

    1. Wassalam.First and foremost, welcome dear new Encomer! :D
      Well,my batch dulu asasi memang kat kampus PJ.Degree yang kat kampus Gombak.But,batch selepas saya ada yg berubah sikit.Diaorang di kampus Gombak like asasi Econs.But,you have to meet the Academic Advisor utk Encom.Confirmkan balik whether batch korang stay PJ or pergi ke Gombak mcm budak Econs.Basically,orang akan confuse BENL and ENCOM.Tengok nama kos tu.Bachelor of English and Literature.So,diaorg mmg fokus on literature.Study literature.Like karya Shakespeare,study psl poem,drama,etc. Meanwhile, Encom pula stands for English for International Communication.Kita more on practical stuff.Bnyak presentation drpd membaca.Cumanya,korang punya batch kalau x silap, dh tukar silibus.So,subjek yg korang amik mmg lain drpd yg kitaorg amik dulu.Tapi,Insha Allah nnti kt degree subjek sama je mcm kitaorg.Yg sama antara BENL and ENCOM is,dua2 kos ni blajar English Grammar.Tapi,Encom ada focus psl communication.While Benl usually focus on literature.Kami Encom sem 1 degree kt Gombak ni kena buat teater,video conference with student dri universiti kt jepun,etc.Plus,Insha Allah tahun ke-2 degree nnti akan di-offer utk student Encom(including Arcom) utk fly oversea! Exchange student program for 1 semester! Hahaha. Best!


      Anyway,thanks for reading this blog.Study smart.Encom best.Sbb kita ni open.Blajar English and Communication.So,bleh pergi ke bidang mngajar(jd cikgu/lecturer), bleh pergi bidang communication(any job yg involve communication like translator or journalist,etc) Kalau ada lagi persoalan from you and your friends,boleh tanya. I'll try to answer.

      - senior Encom

  3. Assalamualaikum abg senior. Saya pelajar lepasan SPM 2014 dan akan masuk program asasi ENCOM pada 27/6/2015 ni. Saya ade beberapa soalan nak tanya. Saya takde basic arab, so still kena ke sit for APT tu ? Pastu andai kata saya kena jwb exam tu and saya fail, saya kena study for 2 years lah eh ?

    1. By the way, do read my post about Taaruf Week in UIA.(foundation level)

  4. Waalaikumussalam.alhamdulillah,tahniah sbb dpt tawaran masuk ke UIA! APT.Yup.Tu semua student yg masuk UIA kena amik test tu selain drpd test EPT,Fardhu Ain,Tilawah,etc.APT pun kena amik nanti tak kira student tu dri background sekolah agama mahupun sekolah biasa.Don't worry.You are allowed to do just by writing your name and then leave the exam hall(for APT test since you don't have any basic) Silibus korang ngan my batch punya silibus sangat lain.Meaning,subjek yang korang belajar time asasi.

    Pasal tempoh pengajian di UIA,usually Encom just 1 year or 1 and a half year.Because subjek kita tak banyak sangat and for APT,kena belajar sampai level 2 sahaja.Total for EPT and APT punya level sampai level 6. Since kita kos English,we just have to take until level 2 only.Simple basic Arabic.Ustaz/Ustazah akan ajar dalam kelas nanti.Bila belajar for EPT and APT,fokus and do the best.Hopefully,instead of 1 and a half year,you can just finish your foundation studies in a year only.Anyway,good luck and sorry for this late reply.

    1. Thank you so much. This helps me. Alot. Since saya sangat blur kenapa ada exam padahal baru je masuk. Hehe anyway thanks yea :)

    2. You're welcome.Kalau ada lagi soalan,don't hesitate to ask.Mana yg boleh saya tolong,saya tolong.

  5. Salam bro. Sy change kos dr engin ke encom since tak boleh nak go on dengan engin. Nak tanya asasi ni kat pj ke gombak. Sbb pergi departmnt art dia ckp refer AA kat gombak. So mcm keliru asasi encom ni kat gombak ke pj?

  6. Wassalam.First and foremost,saya minta maaf sangat2 sebab lmbt reply ur question.Asasi Encom sem ni pindah ke PJ balik.Sem lepas diaorang kat Gombak.By the way,nanti try pergi semula ke arts department and look for Bro Ahmad Rauyani.Dia academic advisor for Encom.

  7. salam nak tanya pernah tak ada student encom dismiss from uia or tak dapat sambung degree .. ? yelah sebab pointer dalam 2.00 dah lepas kan.. tapi takut lah pulak sebab subjek rka macam susah.. camne?

    1. Wassalam.Maaf lambat reply.Alhamdulillah,so far student Encom tak pernah kena dismiss or tak dapat sambung degree. :D
      RKA memang agak susah at first.Yelah.Sbb belajar comparitive religions kan?Macam saya dulu,dah nak dekat hujung semester,baru minat subjek tu.Alhamdulillah dapat B+.Tapi zaman saya,RKA yg comparitive religion tu kod subjek dia RIM.Nama subjek: Religions in Malaysia.Batch yg trbaru ni syllabus dah berubah sikit.Alhamdulillah,saya graduate asasi cfs dengan pointer 3.0 ke atas.Mostly student Encom, sama ada 1 tahun atau 1 tahun setengah je. :)

      Sekarang di Gombak,(degree) saya di tahun pertama semester kedua.

    2. Saya mula minat subjek comparitive religions tu bila timbul rasa ingin tahu untuk mendalami agama Islam lebih mendalam.And I joined group discussion.

  8. assalamualaikim, brader...
    saya lepasan spm, nk masuk third intake hjng thn ni.. saya pilih untuk masuk asasi MACOM... boleh tak bro shareasal course ni sikit...
    harap bro dpt bg explantion...

    1. First of all,tahniah diucapkan! Kos MALCOM(Malay-Communication) ni sangat baru.Sewaktu saya di asasi dulu,kos ni belum ada.Di peringkat degree baru saya jumpa student yg amik kos ni.Basically di degree,kos ni sama macam kos saya, ENCOM(English-Communication).Yup.Subjek sama.Cuma dalam bahasa lain je.Tetapi,untuk subjek di asasi,saya kurang pendedahan sebab batch selepas saya,silibus dah tukar sikit.Saya cuma boleh cakap yang kos ni, (MALCOM,ENCOM,ARCOM) sangat best kerana kita dapat belajar bagaimana untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang ramai dengan lebih baik!

      Untuk pertanyaan mengenai asasi, awak boleh masuk ke dalam group Facebook asasi UIA:

      CFS IIUM 2015/2016

  9. Assalamualaikum brother.

    Saya dapat Asasi ENCOM, boleh tak cerita perbezaan antara ENCOM & BENL? And apa bidang kerjaya yang boleh dipilih under kos ni? Ada tak tips untuk score EPT & EPT nanti? And kos ni mudah ke untuk score? Mohon pencerahan, terima kasih.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. tahniah sbb dapat UIA! ENCOM(English for International Communication) BENL(Bachelor of English & Literature). BENL ni more to literature and study English dgn lebih mendalam.Yg sama antara ENCOM & BENL is dua2 ada blajar grammar English.Cum,Encom more to communication.Sesuai dgn orang yang suka bercakap,friendly,love to make new friends,pidato,etc.Jobscope kitaorang more to mana yg perlu komunikasi.Boleh jd cikgu skolah,lecturer universiti,wartawan,journalist,novelist,diplomat,host tv,etc.Any job yg include English & communication.Ke situ kita pergi. :)

      And yeah,korang punya batch,silibus untuk asasi dah tukar.So,korang belajar subjek baru.Tak mcm kitaorang dulu.Nnti kt degree,korang akan blajar subek yg sama mcm kitaorang sdg belajar skrg.Sem ni,saya belajar tentang non-verbal communication.Best! Macam blajar how to read body language for a better communication.:D

    2. Utk EPT,try to look up for MUET or IELTS punya set of questions.Format sama.

    3. Thank you for the answer. Also.. saya nak tanya first week masuk kena bawak laptop siap-siap ke & lepasan Asasi ENCOM boleh apply TESL utk degree tak? Hope you can kindly write a full blog post about this course (subjects learned, grading, common mistakes etc).

    4. Ur welcome,bro. Boleh je kalau nk bawak siap2. Klau x nk bwk dulu pun xpe sbb kt library ada computers utk student guna.(with limite time only). And yeah,jaga elok2 your gadgets.Yup.Nnti nk msuk degree,boleh apply utk ambil TESL.

      Thanks for the suggestion! :D
      Insha Allah,I'll try.

  10. Assalam brother,

    Saya first year Physical Science 2015/2016. Baru habis Sem 1. Tga cuti lagi ni. Huhu. So haritu masa Sem 1 saya mintak change course ke Benl. SEBAB.. saya taknak pegi Gambang & Kuantan nnt (nak stay KL!!) Tapi Alhamdullilah, saya masuk sem 2 baru2 ni, saya berjaya tukar balik ke previous course saya. Baru sedar yg saya tak boleh bawak subject Arts and jarak bukan halangan. Huhu saje nak share cite sedih saya ni, tapi still tak boleh move on lagi bila terfikir nak kena pegi Pahang. Saya nak mintak bro cerita about these campuses- Gombak, Gambang & Kuantan. Harap saya boleh move on lah kalau tahu dkt sana best, and dkt Gombak tak. Syukran senpai!

    -sis lost

    1. Wassalam.Sis,first and foremost,I'm really really sorry sebab lambat reply.
      Nasib baik UIA ni senang proses nk tukar kos kan?Hehehe. Xpe. Jadikan pengalaman tu sbagai pengajaran buat hidup kita. For me,if we do things yang memang passion kita,ia akan jadi senang. Insha Allah.

      Psl kampus,saya boleh bagi sis gambaran je.Tapi,only Kuantan & Gombak lah.Ni tulisan student UIA juga:

      P/S: Best of luck,sis!

  11. Salam, boleh sy tau utk first year encom study apa? :) tq.

    1. Wassalam.Degree ke foundation level?Skrg saya di kampus degree.

  12. Assalamualaikum. You're a degree student kan sekarang? Saya ni dulu asasi tesl uitm and now nanti 19/1 daftar utk encom uia. Can you gimme any explaination about degree encom uia? Sebab i dont get the idea about this course huhu. Basically nak tau amik berapa subject cemtuu laa. Thank you :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam.I'm so sorry for this late reply.Kitaorg skrg tgh musim exam. Encom basically bnyak kerja2 yg praktikal. Bnyak presentation dlm klas. You know,communication. Ada certain subjek yg xde final exam more on assignment given by lecturer. And yeah, welcome to ENCOM!


    3. Ohh thank you so much :)

  13. Salam nak tanya, kalau dapat encom ni mmg kena fasih english ke? Saya dpt A- time spm dulu tp hanya boleh writing saja kalau speaking akan stutter mcm mana eh

    1. Wassalam.First and foremost,congrats sbb dpt msuk UIA! Not actually. Xlah msuk2 je wajib kena perfect in English. We learn and learn. Ada je kawan2 saya xdpt A langsung dlm SPM,but still boleh carry dgn kos Encom.Just ingat practice makes perfect,okay? :)

  14. Assalam.... Sy dapat tawaran asasi inggeris benl... Boleh tak saya masa minggu taaruf nak tukar kepada encom?

    1. Wassalam.Sangat2 dialu-alukan utk tukar ke Encom.Hehehe.Boleh cuba time taaruf.If pihak admin kata tak boleh,then kena tunggu semester pertama tu habis,then apply utk tukar kos. :D

  15. Assalam... Sy dpt twaran ben boley x time taaruf nak tukar ke encom?

    1. Wassalam.Sangat2 dialu-alukan utk tukar ke Encom.Hehehe.Boleh cuba time taaruf.If pihak admin kata tak boleh,then kena tunggu semester pertama tu habis,then apply utk tukar kos. :D

  16. Assalam bro. Saya dapat asasi benl di uia pj batch 16/17.kemasukan 11 jun ni. Boleh ke nanti saya nak tukar course ke asasi encom? Sebelum ni saya tak tau encom ada asasi. Baru tau ni. And rasanya ni paling sesuai untuk saya.

    1. Wassalam.Congrats sbb dpt masuk UIA! Boleh2.Nanti try mohon utk tukar.Kalau tak boleh,awak tunggu satu semester,then baru mohon balik untuk tukar. :D

  17. Assalamualaikum. Saya nak tahu ada beza ke uia dan uiam ?

  18. Salam. Dari asasi engin mcm mana nk tukar kos encom? Plz advice. Tkkk

    1. Sorry for the late reply. Still kt cfs or dh msuk Gombak? If still kt cfs,pergi jumpa Academic Advisor ENCOM utk mohon tukar kos dri Engine.

  19. saya lepasan pelajar stpm sastera dan memperolehi sebanyak 3.2 pointer sahaja. Teringin sangat nak belajar psikologi di UIA ni but risau tak diterima sebab saya dgr kalau tak lebih 3.5, tak dapat masuk, ya ke? :(

    1. First of all,sorry lambat reply and congrats for your result! You had done your best! Boleh try cuba apply. Dlm UPU selain psikologi,apply kos lain juga as a backup plan.

  20. Assalamualaikum. Sis baru je update UPU tadi and I put Foundations in English as my first choice. But then scrolling over the comments I noticed there's 'foundations in BENL' and 'foundations in ENCOM'. How come I didn't see those options in UPU T-T because I'm interested in taking Mass Communications but I noticed ENCOM in IIUM and well I want to join IIUM because of their debate(BM BI) team :D is the programme Foundations in English divided to BENL and ENCOM foundations or nah? And will we (lmao i hope I get the first choice) be placed in PJ or Gombak because I heard PJ is closing down already. Thanks for reading and replying, bro :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam. First of all,sorry for kept you waiting. Yes. English courses in foundation level are divided into 2.Don't worry. There's an application to change course once you're here. PJ is still there,but it's in the process of closing down. Do you know that ENCOM and Mass Comm are 2 different courses? (syllabus and what not)

    2. Yes, I'm fully aware of the different syllabus. I even checked out the subjects learnt in both courses.

      Unfortunately I didn't get that course even though my grades for English especially followed the requirements 😭 Now currently on the process of asking for internal help and recommendations because I really really REALLY want this. Wish me luck 😭😭😭

    3. You were applying for ENCOM or BENL? All the best! I hope you'll make it here!! :)

    4. My intention is to apply for ENCOM program. Heard that their second intake starts a week or two after the first one. I hope I'll get it. Thank youuuu

    5. Hi! It's me again, and yas I got offered for the second intake! Offered in BEN tho, it's not the same as ENCOM right? Can't wait and thank you for the helpful post!

    6. Aww.. Alhamdulillah. Congrats,Syasya! Wish you all the best! If you happen to want to change to ENCOM,you can do so by going to your course's academic advisor once dah masuk nanti. :)

  21. Assalamualaikum abang. Saya nak tanya asasi bahasa inggeris dengan encom berbeza ke?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Asasi Bahasa Inggeris is too general. Ada dua kos bahasa inggeris di asasi UIA. BENL(English literature) & ENCOM. (English-communication). Btw,sorry for this late reply.

  22. Assalamualaikum abang.saya mohon asasi sains kemanusiaan di uia dan apabila result upu keluar,saya x berjaya.Jika saya buat rayuan,adakah peluang utk rayuan tersebut berjaya tinggi atau rendah? tetapi jika berjaya intake ke-2 masuk bln berape atau intake ke-3 masuk bln berape?Kalau rayuan itu berjaya adakah program asasi yg saya mohon itu ade di uia gombak atau uia pj? Harap penjelasan dan terima kasih.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Kemungkinan akan ke UIA Gombak sebab UIA PJ dalam proses nak tutup. Saya cadangkan bila kamu buat rayuan,kalau ada lebih daripada 1 pilihan,pilih sain kemanusiaan dan kos lain yang ada. As a backup plan. Kalau ada satu je option,saya cadangkan kamu pilih English for International Communication. Kos yang saya ambil. Tak ramai orang yang ambil kos ni. Jadi peluang tu lagi tinggi. Once kamu masuk UIA dengan kos ni,kalau tak boleh bawa,boleh tukar kos kat sini.

  23. Assalamualaikum. Saya dapat offer from UIA, foundation in economics and management science. Saya nak tanya, boleh tak saya pursue my degree di local uni yang lain? Specifically in UM. Sebab saya difahamkan pelajar asasi UIA sukar untuk melanjutkan degree di Uni yang lain kerana mereka akan diserap masuk ke UIA selepas asasi. Dan betul ke student asasi UIA tak boleh menggunakan sistem UPU untuk permohonan degree ke uni lain, sebaliknya perlu menghantar permohonan direct ke uni berkenaan? Thank you for your time.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. I'll answer on his behalf :)

      situasi yang membenarkan awak untuk pursue degree di universiti lain ialah kalau awak dapat pengajian asasi di UM atau UiTM sahaja.

    2. Yup. Like what Syasya said. Sebab diaorang pun ada allocation for their students yg coming from foundation level juga.

  24. Assalam
    1. Blh terangkan dgn detail ttg petukaran kos masa taaruf session?
    2. Agak2 mcm mana peluang nk tukar ke Sc Physic? Besar x?
    3. Lokasi utk semua student asasi kat gombak ke?
    4. Ramai ke yg amik asasi ARCOM? laki or prempuan yg ramai?

    1. 1. Anda dikehendaki mengemukakan surat beserta alasan kenapa nak tukar course, kepilkan sekali dengan slip SPM (and UPU juga tak silap) dan sertakan bayaran RM100 kalau berjaya.

      2. Science Physics? Kurang faham 😅 Tapi tengok juga bilangan pelajar yang dimasukkan dalam aliran tu. If it's a competitive course, peluang mungkin 50-50

      3. Ada 3 pusat asasi. Gombak, PJ dan Gambang. Pusat asasi di Pagoh, Johor akan dibuka. Pusat asasi di PJ sekarang tengah ditutup secara berperingkat sebab tanah kampus tu disewakan kepada MAIS. Jadi, students yang berada dalam bidang pure science dan juga engineering akan ditempatkan di Gambang, whereas students who are in local science, language or arts will be placed in Gombak. Tapi tarikh penutupan pusat asasi PJ tak pasti lagi, so ada juga most students located di PJ.

      4. Tu tanya admin blog hehe. All the best!

    2. 3) For now,there's no official news yg stated that asasi Pagoh akan dibuka. But yg confirm adalah kampus UIA Pagoh akan dibuka pada September 2017. And untuk kos ENCOM,ARCOM,MLCOM & TPHM only.

      4) ENCOM,ARCOM,MLCOM & TPHM under Kulliyah of Languages & Management.(KLM) Kulliyah baru yg dibuka pada 2012. X ramai yg amik. So far,level degree total ada 700 orang pelajar KLM.(semua kos yg disebut tadi). Jadi kalau apply kos KLM,Insha Allah moga2 mudah dapat sebab competition xtinggi mana mcm kos lain. Utk pengetahuan umum,kos bahasa mmg ramai kaum wanita..

  25. Assalam..
    Sy lulusan Diploma Eng Communication Kolej Prof Mara.

    Apa peluang sy ya klu apply degree Encom Uia.

    1. Wassalam. Insha Allah peluang tu ada. Kami ada yg dulu dri diploma unisza, uitm dan lain2. Intake degree UIA bulan September ini. ENCOM di kampus baru: UIA Pagoh(Johor)

  26. assalamualaikum.

    saya nak sangat ambil asasi human sains di uia tapi bila result upu keluar, saya dpt kos senibina & rekabentuk alam sekitar.. kalau saya nak mintak tukar kos bila masuk uia nanti boleh dapat tak??sebab risau bila dah masuk nanti tak dpt tukar kos..

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Insha Allah dpt. Peluang tu ada. Mcm ni. It's either awak dapat tukar kos time orientasi(Taaruf Week) or lepas habis satu sem baru dapat tukar. Sebab every sem ada je permohonan utk tukar kos dibuka. But,time minggu Taaruf Week tu,awak terus tanyakan pasal proses permohonan tukar kos kepada komiti-komiti Taaruf Week. They will guide you. And yeah,welcome to UIA!! :)

  27. Assalamualaikum..sya dpt asasi engine..klau bhsa arab dn bi sya x brapa nk hebat..apa akn jdi?

    1. Masa Taaruf Week (minggu orientasi), awak kena menduduki 4 ujian, 2 daripadanya English Placement test (EPT) dengan Arab Placement Test (APT). Untuk course Foundation in Engineering, awak kena at least dapatkan EPT band 4/5 dan APT band 2. Tapi takpe, kalau tak lepas, nothing bad will happen. Awak akan diletakkan dalam kelas English Language and Quranic Language. Ha macam tu la lebih kurang :)

  28. Assalamualaikum..pemakaian lelaki dlm kls cena? Wajib pkai tie?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Zaman saya dulu,hari Rabu hari pemakaian formal. Hari2 lain boleh pakai biasa: tshirt berkolar or baju melayu or baju raihan or kemeja formal. Tshirt round neck,jeans, selipar tidak dibenarkan.

  29. Assalam..betul ke kalau gaji parents lbh 10k tkkn dpt elaun Kementerian masa asasi.

    1. Wassalam. Maaf yang ni saya tak sure.

    2. Kena tengok dalam borang2 yg dpt time dpt offer letter uia nnti.

    3. Bro Eizat sgt sabar melayan sgala pertanyaan. May Allah bless you for yr kindness bro.

    4. Confirm. Tahun ni siapa parents gaji above 10k tk dpt elaun kmenterian.

    5. Ameen. Thanks for the doa. No problem. Saya jawab mne yg boleh. :)

  30. Salam ramadan mubarak to you,

    Saya ada mohon UIA melalui UPU dengan course Kemanusiaan as my first choice. When the result came, I am devastated by it as I only get Poli Premier? I really want to go to UiA as my heart already there. Fikir punya fikir punya, tanya hati tanya Allah, I decided to turn down the Poly's offer. I know that UiA have third intake, and I really want to join it. Tapi at the same time takut terlepas, do you have any idea on when the application will be open? Even agak agak pun tak pe.

    Sebab I want to further my degree in Sociology. TnT I have slightly no idea why I didnt get UiA eventho I passed all the stated requirements. Even my second choice is Foundation in English. Harap boleh bantu. Tq sangat2.

    1. I'll answer on his behalf. My situation was that I applied for Foundation in English as my first choice as I passed all the requirements. But I got UiTM's Diploma in Filming instead. Like you, I turned down the offer. So I appealed for the second intake right away.

      You should have applied for the second intake for IIUM tho ruginya 😭😭😭 IIUM is actually open for a direct appeal for its second intake, and it was opened right after the UPU results were out. This year, their second intake will start on June 19th and most of the time those who make a direct appeal will get a spot. But the results of the appeal will be out by next Monday, and the deadline for the appeal already passed :/ I wish you reached out here earlier 😭😭

      But no fear, there's a THIRD intake and according to the academic calendar at the CFS website, its taaruf week (TaWe) will start on october. The application for the third intake, I'm not sure. But there will be announcements on the website.

      I'm not sure whether you'll be provided a form and whatnot, but certainly your cocurricular certificates may help at this point. Compile it and send it along with your form or letter of appeal. In my case, I wrote a formal and brief appeal letter and enclosed it with my certificates of participation in debating activities before sending it to AMAD in Gombak. Now I'm anxiously waiting for the results this sunday 😭

      For your desired course, if I'm not mistaken the first semester ; if you get your 3rd intake placement ; will either be placed at CFS IIUM Petaling Jaya for one semester or directly at the main campus in Gombak in KIRKHS faculty as the PJ campus is closing down this December. I applied HS as my 3rd option because I wanted to pursue a degree in Communications. So if you want to send an appeal letter or application by hand, send it directly to the office in Gombak at the Academic Management and Admissions Division office (AMAD). By the mean time, maybe you can start learning the basic Arabic Language so that you will be able exempted from the Quranic Language course by passing the Arabic Placement Test and that your foundation program won't be prolonged to more than 1 year. Hope this helps you :)

    2. Oh and the Taaruf Week for the third intake is from October 30th to November 3rd. Probably the application will be opened 1-2 weeks before the TaWe

    3. Hi syasya, is there anyway that I can reach you and talk about this as I have no one to look up too regarding this. Can you email me personally at

  31. Salam,nak tanya boleh ke tuka course dari engin ke law b4 stat degree . Sy baru habis asasi and will pursue degree bln 9 ni in sha Allah

    1. Wassalam. Nnti try pergi ke AIKOl(law department) and ask for the application form to change course. If you're lucky enough,you can change right away on the first semester. Or else kena wait for 1 semester first. There will be an interview and what not. They will look at your cgpa, and other requirement.

  32. in pj rn in foundation of english...i just wanna ask you about the methods of learning in encom bc im considering to change my current course to encom and the peluang pekerjaan after we grad as well

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Encom ni is like the combination of BENL & MASSCOM. We learn those literature and English grammar and what not. At the same time kitaorang juga belajar pasal media like MASSCOM did. So, tak rigid. That's why the future job prospect tu besar. We can go to any field yang relate with English & communication. Nk jd cikgu/lecturer English boleh, or we nak jadi orang media ke or something else like public relations, event manager, script writer, translator, actor, diplomat etc.

    2. Kitaorang banyak subjek yg takde final exam. Banyak assignment, class presentation and research paper. :D

  33. cambest jer uia.saya pun nak masuk bulan 9 ni

  34. Hi, I would like to ask and double confirm whether there's 3rd intake for Foundation in UiA. Is it 50/50 or 20/80? Thank you in advance.

  35. Hi sis! Yes, they already open an application for the 3rd intake

    Hope it helps :)
    Good luck!

    1. Syasya! Thank you again for your helps. Hope dapat jumpa nanti! So I can thank you in person. ;D

    2. Thank you so much Syasya for helping me answering questions! You're kinda like my PA!! :p
      I'm so wanna meet you in person one day! Sorry guys for not being able to answer as quick as possible. Been busy with new stuff and new place. But you guys can just drop the questions. I'll answer them after reading it.

    3. Hi Eizat and Syasya. I recently know about the existence of IIUM Pagoh for KLM students. My question is, is IIUM Pagoh is for Degree KLM students or all KLM Students ya? Heard that they will be moving in on this September. Thank you (again)

    4. Hola~ idk about the status for foundation students as what we are informed for now is that our official cfs campus will be at Kuantan starting 2018/19, but yes those pursuing a degree for KLM students will be placed at Pagoh campus, which I think is where brother Eizat currently at now 😂

    5. Ahahaha you're welcome brother! Would really love to meet up someday soon too, could arrange a few deets in future 😬😬😬😂 looking forward to it!

  36. Hi, I ni dapat BENL kat UIA, so intake this Sept lah. Andddd I mmg takde basic Arabic langsung, so kalau I tak pass the APT tu, I need to take Arabic class lah? And susah tak? Hehe

    1. Yes, you'll be taking Arabic classes 😂 It's not that hard but not that easy either 🤔😂

    2. First of all,sorry for the late reply. And congrats sbb dpt UIA!! No problem. The class will be just fine. Ustaz/ustazah is so helpful. :)

  37. Assalamualaikum and hi. I'm currently taking foundation in encom at iium. I wanted to pursue degree in tesl as my dream is to become a teacher. And after some reading here and there, i came to the conclusion that i need to take muet right? Before this, we were told that we are encourage to take muet but it is not compulsory. When and where can i sit for muet? Does iium provided any session for this test?

  38. Waalaikumussalam. First of all, sorry for this late reply. In order to change to TESL, there will be an interview right after you graduate from the foundation level. For the MUET, whether it's compulsory or not if you want to pursue your degree in TESL, I'm not that sure. To sit for MUET, you need to go to BSN(Bank Simpanan Nasional) and register there. They will tell you the places that you can choose to take the MUET exam. All the best! :)

  39. Assalamualaikum. I'm currently studying in engineering at uia kuantan (cfs). And i am in my last semester. But i hv intention to change univ during my degree later on. So do you know how the process to change from cfs uia to other university? Do i need to apply upu and buy upu pin num? Tq.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Hi sis, I’m doing my foundation too currently :)

      Basically, it is almost impossible for you to change to other universities for your degree later on.

      Changing universities ONLY applies to students of Foundation programs from UiTM and UM, therefore they will have to apply through UPU. However for other foundation students, they are not given the option to do the same.

      Setiap universiti telahpun menetapkan kuota umum mereka untuk menempatkan pelajar-pelajar lepasan

      1. STPM
      2. Diploma/Asasi Universiti tersebut
      3. Matrikulasi
      4. Asasi UM/ UiTM
      5. Kelayakan setaraf dengan asasi seperti A-Levels dan sebagainya

      However, if you still want to change universities, you will have to write a letter and make a direct appeal to the university of your preference, not through buying UPU PIN number :)

    2. Thank you,Syasya! :D
      If you come to UIA Pagoh,do let me know! I owe you a lot since you ada tolong jawabkan. Kinda busy time final year sekarang. There's a lot of thing I would like to share; my experience joining an exchange program, life lesson etc.

    3. No problem! Am looking forward to go there to visit my seniors actually. Will notify soon!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Salam, nak tanya degree Macom ni sama ke dgn Encom? And boleh explain sikit tak beza Encom and Macom? Thanks

  42. Salam, nak tanya degree Macom ni sama ke dgn Encom? And boleh explain sikit tak beza Encom and Macom? Thanks

  43. Assalamualaikum.. if I may ask what's the career potential if I finish my study in Encom? Kinda blurr here.. Anyway I've passed in UPU for Asasi Bahasa Inggeris Untuk Komunikasi Antarabangsa at UIAM..

  44. Assalamualaikum,Hai saya ni baru lepasan Spm 2019. Dalam upu,Saya ada kelayakan untuk pergi uia tapi saya nak tanya beberapa soalan dulu kalau boleh.First, takpe ke kalau masuk sini tapi agak kurang berpengatahuan tentang agama islam dan arab? Saya ni agak low sikit dalam agama islam tpi taklah low mana(B+) dan memang tak pandai bahasa arab. Second, apa beza asasi bahasa inggeris dengan encom? Third,agaknye senang tak kalau nak amik encom ni? Boleh exchange ke luar negara ke? Sebab saya lebih berminat dengan encom ^^
