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Sunday 12 June 2016


I knew at the right moment that language is my thing when it was obvious back in school that I only consulted with my teachers that taught me English,Arabic & Malay.
Like seriously.Lol.

Alhamdulillah. Learning languages is never been hard for me. But it has never been that easy too.
I fell in love with English first since I watched so many English movies when I was a kid. Only when I was in secondary school I started to love my own mother-tongue. Malay. I learned literature. I wrote poems. Malay poems. And it was great. To be in that mood of loving literature. My friends said what I wrote was so 'Jiwang'. I told them that I was just being romantic.

French was another thing. Well,just the basic. Mandarin is also another thing. My chinese friend at Matriculation Malacca taught me. I decided to learn some Mandarin phrases to speak with those chinese students at my matriculation. To greet them and to befriend with them.

Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.
I can learn more languages at here. At this lovely university. As a student of Kulliyah of Languages & Management,I cannot miss the chance that this university has offered. Making friends with people from around the globe. Seeking new knowledge & experience.

This photo was taken right after the Explorace contest that was held by the Students' Representation Council of International Affairs (Nasra and Zayn) ended. But this one was a little bit different. At every check-point,we must speak in different languages;Mandarin,Arabic,Malay & French. And my teammates were looking at me at the whole checkpoints. Lol. 😂

It was a great experience for us. Thanks SRC for conducting this program! ✌🏻️

P/S: Would I recommend my university to others? Definitely! In fact,I recommend it to the whole world! :)

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